Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Daily Photograph - June 30, 2015: Currawong

I took a few bird photos today, and thought it would be hard to choose between them, until I saw this one. This is what a currawong looks like when its sick of having its picture taken over breakfast.

Daily Drawing - June 30, 2015: Improbable Creatures #1

Well, I'm not doing as well on these as I might, so I'm trying something different. I'm going to draw first thing in the morning, instead of last thing at night, and see if that makes a difference. Today, I woke up thinking of a tree. It's the tree to the left front of the picture. And then I wanted to draw a deer, but the head was wrong, so I created a dragon, instead. So, for July, I think I'll create some improbable creatures, as that's what seems to be inspiring me at the moment.

This is where I would have said my drawing was around thirty years ago... and it's a lot better than the sketches I've tried earlier this month. I have a ways to go to before I can start making beautiful art like Algol, Svenya Liv, Nic Weissman, Claudio Pozas or other folk, but that's what this blog is about - the journey.