Friday 20 October 2017

#Inktober2017: Days 19-20 - Cloud, Deep

No, not together, although that would have been interesting, too.

Still getting back into it, and still finding it a challenge, but here you go: Inktober drawings for the last two days:

Day 19: 'Cloud'

Day 20: 'Deep'


Thursday 19 October 2017

Inktober: Day 17 (11) - 'Graceful'

I’m still not back into the swing of things, and that includes blogging. I’ve managed another Inktober completion in the last two days, the one for Day 18’s theme of ‘graceful’, completed yesterday. I’ll be trying to complete today’s drawing in the next couple of hours, but I’ll see how it goes.

In the meantime, here's the response for 'graceful'.

Monday 16 October 2017

Inktober: Day 16 (10) - 'Fat'

I got sick last week - and then my back decided it didn't want to play, so I had to skinny things down to the essentials - which is not quite where my drawing is at, yet. I made the deadlines I needed, and took a few days to mend, and now I'm getting back to it. I'll try to go for a longer stretch this time - but we'll see; I have exams next week.

Today's theme made me try more curves - and inspiration from my 'creatures' of a couple of years' back inspired me to draw another creature.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

#Inktober: Day 9 - Screech

I am struggling to find time for this - but that's one of the reasons I'm doing Inktober: to teach myself to find the time.

And then there's this...

Let's just say, I might have chosen a better approach.

Monday 9 October 2017

Sunday 8 October 2017

Inktober 2017: Week 1 Review

University is almost over - and it's time to bring some old skills back on line. This year, I thought I'd give Inktober a go. I am so not ready for this.

I haven't done any drawing for over 12 months, and no regular drawing for... over ten years. These are my Inktober attempts. One sketch every night, finished as best I can. (You are allowed to laugh, but be kind.)

I intended to post these each night once they were done - or the morning after - but it's a new routine and I've been busy. Next week, I'll try to do better.

The week in review:

Day 1: Swift

In which I learned I need to do a pencil underlay... and I sucked.

Day 2: Divided

In which I got completely confused, and did Day 3's theme of  'poison' - oops...

On the upside, I sucked less...

Day 3: Poison

In which I decided I should do Day 2's theme... and rediscovered just how much I sucked at drawing people. More practice needed.

Day 4: Underwater

In which I learned to draw bubbles - and stuff.

Day 5: Long

So, I like dragons. Besides, I need the practice.

Day 6: Sword

I still suck at drawing people... and swords, apparently. <sigh>

Day 7: Shy

People... faces... NOSES! Aaagh! So much to learn!

Saturday 7 October 2017

Inktober: Day 7 - Shy

It's Inktober, and I have really neglected my drawing - to the point I'm way back where I was 30 years ago. Bear with me, as I try to get back up to speed... or just don't look.

Today's #inktober theme is 'shy'.

I suck at faces.