Sunday 8 October 2017

Inktober 2017: Week 1 Review

University is almost over - and it's time to bring some old skills back on line. This year, I thought I'd give Inktober a go. I am so not ready for this.

I haven't done any drawing for over 12 months, and no regular drawing for... over ten years. These are my Inktober attempts. One sketch every night, finished as best I can. (You are allowed to laugh, but be kind.)

I intended to post these each night once they were done - or the morning after - but it's a new routine and I've been busy. Next week, I'll try to do better.

The week in review:

Day 1: Swift

In which I learned I need to do a pencil underlay... and I sucked.

Day 2: Divided

In which I got completely confused, and did Day 3's theme of  'poison' - oops...

On the upside, I sucked less...

Day 3: Poison

In which I decided I should do Day 2's theme... and rediscovered just how much I sucked at drawing people. More practice needed.

Day 4: Underwater

In which I learned to draw bubbles - and stuff.

Day 5: Long

So, I like dragons. Besides, I need the practice.

Day 6: Sword

I still suck at drawing people... and swords, apparently. <sigh>

Day 7: Shy

People... faces... NOSES! Aaagh! So much to learn!

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